Political Science and International Studies
School of Social Science and Law, University of Bristol
Start date: September 2024
Research topic: From post-conflict occlusion to contemporary othering: how the Franco-Algerian war of Decolonisation is remembered and taught in France
My research broadly looks at post-conflict memory in schools. I am using the Franco-Algerian war of decolonisation as a case study, analysing how this colonial war in taught in French schools. Iām particularly interested in understanding the effects these teachings and forms of knowledge productions have on the youth in France.
Key words: memory, knowledge production, migration, identity, de/colonisation, France, Maghreb, othering.
Research supervisors: Dr Karen Tucker, Dr Elena Stavrevska
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Member ā Global Insecurities Centre (Peace Conflict and Violence)
Member ā Decoloniality and Race Research Group Founder – Memory Research Group (PhD)
Member ā Decoloniality and Race Research Group Founder – Memory Research Group (PhD)
Email: julia.spence@bristol.ac.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julia-spence-7b2328144/