ESRC Steered Studentships
ESRC are keen to support interdisciplinary cross-council research capacity within the academic community and therefore have steered the SWDTP to allocate a minimum of four studentships from the annual allocation of 45, to fund projects that cut across the subjects and disciplines of the Research Councils.
We welcome any interdisciplinary projects in our application process which must be submitted via one of our pathways in the normal way. Links to all pathways can be found here and you can apply to one of our five institutions by clicking on the associated links. Projects must be genuinely interdisciplinary in nature and should straddle the social sciences and other cross council remits. The proposed research should include substantive interaction between the relevant scientific areas, with a minimum of 50 per cent social science focus. In your application you should indicate how the project falls across Research Council remits. You are not expected to seek co-funding to support your application as fully funded studentships can be awarded within the competitive process. It is important that joint supervisory arrangements are in place for any cross-council remit projects, with the first supervisor in social sciences and the second supervisor with a background in the other relevant scientific area. Studentships will be awarded as either 1+3 or +3.
Research Council Remits
Details of all Research Council remits can be reviewed here
Arts and Humanities Research Council:
Biotechnology and Biosciences Research Council:
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council:
Economic and Social Sciences Research Council:
Medical Research Council:
Natural Environment Research Council: